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Good Things and Hard Things

Good Things and Hard Things

Good things and hard things co-exist. As therapists, it is so important to develop the capacity to make space for the resources that will help us hold both in our own lives, so that we can be present to help our clients with this as well.

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Be Cautious of “Normal”

Be Cautious of “Normal”

Moving beyond acute grief and into “normal”, I have become aware of the importance of paying attention to how my patterns and habits do and do not serve me, and how this is the work I do with my clients.

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Looking for Light in the Dark

Looking for Light in the Dark

Reflecting on loss at the solstice, I look forward to riding into the returning light. As the days grow longer, and I bask in the sun, I want to remember that I am just a passenger on this planet, subject to changing seasons and unpredictable life experiences.

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Lessons From My Recent Loss

Lessons From My Recent Loss

The recent unexpected loss of my brother has grabbed me, unsettled me, and asked me to show up in my life in new ways. It has begun to change the way I am as a mother, partner, and sister, and therapist. Above all else, it has been profoundly reshaping the ways I am taking care of myself.

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4 Ways to Work with Boundaries Somatically

4 Ways to Work with Boundaries Somatically

Working with boundaries somatically can be a powerful way to help clients develop an embodied and felt experience of their own space and limits. Here are four exercises that help clients develop boundaries and take them into “real life”.

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Why I Love Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Why I Love Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Learn why I love Sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP) and how it is a somatic therapy approach that can create profound healing, change and transformation. It’s done this for both my therapy practice and for me personally.

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About Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

About Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Learn about Sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP) a somatic therapy approached based in current understandings of trauma, attachment, and neuroscience. For me, SP feels nearly magical in how it helps people to heal and change.

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One Wild and Precious Life

One Wild and Precious Life

This is the story of my encounter with an Antillean crested hummingbird. Read how it inspired me to invite therapists to be present in our own wild and precious lives.

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The Importance of Connection and Collaboration as Therapists

The Importance of Connection and Collaboration as Therapists

Growth and development occur in relationship. We are not born alone, and we don’t grow alone.  Human development takes place in relationship, and so does professional development.  Far too many therapists feel alone and have the sense of working in isolation – even...

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Barely have ONE Minute to Invest in Yourself?  The Importance of Therapist Self-Nurturing in the Pandemic

Barely have ONE Minute to Invest in Yourself? The Importance of Therapist Self-Nurturing in the Pandemic

The COVID pandemic no longer feels brand new. It’s not as chaotic and disruptive as it was in past months. However, it’s an ongoing challenge full of uncertainty with no real end in sight.  It’s a Time for Extra Care. Doing therapy well requires that therapists’ own well-being is in good shape. This is true under the best of circumstances, but becomes even more so in difficult times.

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Why Teletherapy is Draining and How to Make it Better

Why Teletherapy is Draining and How to Make it Better

Teletherapy can be exhausting – and it’s not just screen time. In the context of COVID19 it’s also major change + brand new habits + upheaval + a whole lotta stress!!!!!

If you are feeling drained or exhausted by the move to telehealth as a therapist, you are not alone! Learn why teletherapy is feeling so draining and get tips for how to make it better.

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Getting Started with Teletherapy in a Time of Crisis

Getting Started with Teletherapy in a Time of Crisis

If adding telehealth sessions to your therapy practice is new to you, this is a big step. Adapting your practice can be a huge source of pressure.  

You are doing important work in this world. Get some clarity on basic steps to take to get yourself set-up while remembering that taking care of yourself is crucial in this process.

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How My Farmshare Made Me a Better Therapist

How My Farmshare Made Me a Better Therapist

Joining a CSA farm share this summer brought unexpected gifts for me. In this post I talk about how my farm share experience helped me to practice what I preach. Writing this story reminded me of the importance of nurturing myself deeply and how critical that is to...

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A Gift of Self-Care for Therapists

A Gift of Self-Care for Therapists

Therapists need self-care, not just for personal wellbeing, but to nurture and sustain professional functioning. The tool of your trade as a therapist is you. So making sure that you maintain your own well being isn’t a luxury, it’s crucial to your ability to do your...

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Is Your Job Impossible?

Is Your Job Impossible?

COVID PANDEMIC NOTE The ongoing global pandemic continues to create tremendous disruption and stress for therapists and clients alike.  While this post was written pre-pandemic and has a “regular life” tone, we need to pay as much - if not more - attention to taking...

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The Movie Inside Out is a Great Resource for Therapists

The Movie Inside Out is a Great Resource for Therapists

Wo – Pixar just made a movie about the inner emotional life of a child! I love it!  I love that the topics of mind and memory and pre-adolescent development and the role of parenting made their way into a popular animated movie, "Inside Out". And I love the movie too....

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Why You Need a Hammock in Your Office

Why You Need a Hammock in Your Office

You might be thinking – Are you kidding? I’m lucky if I get a bathroom break. I previously wrote a post, Appreciation for the Important Work that You Do.   I opened with the acknowledgment that therapy, while fulfilling and meaningful, is really challenging and hard...

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